Friday, March 7, 2008

Trip to the market

We shop for just about everything in the open market. It is the hub of social life in town. Everyone eats fresh - women go to the market every morning! Kim is using this time as a chance to learn language, while Maelyn goes around and collects oranges. The woman in the picture is named Xin (pronounced "sin".)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Train Ride

In-country luggage alotment was less than international, meaning we had too much stuff to take the plane to our new town... so... we took the train. Maelyn thought it was the infamous Thomas since it was blue!

The little boy with Maelyn is a friend we met on the train. You are looking at a very talented young man. Whenever he needed to go to the bathroom he just stood up in the aisle next to us and went in a coke bottle (at least 4 times!)

Rides in our new town!

Maelyn was definately pleased when she found out there were rides in our new town. Our town isn't very big but there are several "parks" with carnival-type rides. It is a great place to meet people. You can ride about 4 of them for less than 50 cents. I think it will be a big adjustment when we get home and she realizes that we can't ride rides every night in Wynne!

Riding a syclo!

While in the big city Maelyn felt it was priority to try out a syclo! It was a lot of fun and a good way to tour without riding a taxi. But warning - negotiate the price before you get in or you could get over charged like we did!!